Hands On Growing will be selling Christmas Trees and hosting activities at the ECA Garden space from December 2nd to 11th. If you are interested in volunteering, you can sign up for a volunteer shift here: Volunteer Sign up. For more information and market hours please see here: Erlton Christmas Tree Market. More information about Hands […]
Chevra Kadisha Cemetery Update
The Erlton Community Association has been in contact with Chevra Kadisha Calgary regarding its long term plans for the lot adjacent to its existing cemetary on 30th Avenue SW and Erlton St. The following letter outlines Chevra Kadisha’s position regarding the site and it is published here for the information of our members.
May ECA Newsletter
April ECA Newsletter
Traffic Safety Request
Please see the attached document on how to submit a Traffic Safety Request if there is a residential traffic problem you wish to report. Traffic Safety Request
Erlton School Site Update
The City has exercised its option to purchase the Erlton School site, as indicated in the attached letter. We have no further information at this time. Sale of Erlton School Site to the City of Calgary
Increase in Property Crime
Our Calgary Police Service community resource officer has posted a warning that there has recently been an increase in property crime in our neighbourhood. Remember to keep your vehicles locked and your valuables out of sight.
Stampede Traffic Control
The Lindsay Park Community Association (LPCA) has distributed the following notice concerning public parking North of 25th Avenue along with an update on the Anthem project along Macleod Trail. STAMPEDE TRAFFIC CONTROL WITHIN OUR COMMUNITY After taking into consideration the comments received from residents of the community, Lindsay Park Community Association did approach the city […]
The Erlton Community Association is soliciting responses from all Erlton residents, including those who may not be members, regarding our community’s vision for the Erlton School site at 24– 28 Ave SW. Please click on this link for additional information and to access the survey.
Alpha House Needle Response Team
Alpha House has setup a needle response team to safely pickup discarded needles on public and private property. Please see the poster attached below for details. Additional information on What to do with discarded needles is also available on Calgary.ca. Alpha House Needle Response Team