Hello Neighbours!!

The Free Little Library movement began in 2009 and has since grown to over 18,000 little libraries worldwide!  Free Little Libraries not only promote literacy and a love of reading, they foster a sense of community and connection across generations. You can read more about the Free Little Library story, and check out their gallery of libraries, at www.littlefreelibrary.org

What is a Free Little Library, you ask?  The way it works is simple:

  1.  We initially stock the library with a variety of books
  2.  You stop by and take whatever catches your fancy
  3.  You return and/or bring books to contribute
  4.  The books are always a gift – never for sale!

Erlton is a community of readers. We are fortunate to have three (3) Little Library locations:

Erlton 31st Avenue Little Library is located on 31st Avenue, East of Erlton Street

Erlton South’s Little Library can be found on Erlton Street S @ 27 Avenue  (established 2014)* 

Erlton North has a Little Library located on 24 Avenue @ Erlton Road  (established 2021)

*the Erlton South location was gifted to us thanks to a couple of ambitious Erlton residents, as well as support from the Federation of Calgary Communities, the CBC Eyeopener and the Canadian Red Cross