The City of Calgary has sent out the following message about the Flood Mitigation Measures Assessment Project Report and Recommendations

In 2013, Calgary experienced its largest flood since 1932.  The 2013 floods resulted in significant damages to public infrastructure and private property. Following the event, The City formed an Expert Management Panel of River Flood Mitigation to identify opportunities to reduce Calgary’s flood risk and build resilience.  The panel delivered 27 recommendations to Council aimed at achieving a safer, more flood resilient Calgary.  Since 2014, The City has been working through the recommendations.

To fulfill several of the Expert Management Panel recommendations, The City of Calgary has recently completed the Flood Mitigation Measures Assessment project that examined potential mitigation measures, including watershed level and community infrastructure, operational strategies, property level and policy-based mitigation for both the Bow and Elbow rivers to reduce Calgary’s flood risk. The assessment included a technical analysis, a comprehensive sustainability assessment, and extensive community engagement.

I am writing to inform you that city staff will be presenting a flood mitigation measures recommendation report to The City’s Standing Policy Committee (SPC) on Utilities and Corporate Services on Wednesday March 22nd.

This meeting is open to the public and citizens have the opportunity to address the committee to share their thoughts and opinions. If you are not able to attend the meeting, there are other ways you may participate:

  • Write to Councillors
  • Contact 311
  • Watch the live video stream of the meeting.

The meeting agenda and report will be available after 4pm on March 17th on  This link will also take you to information on how to present at the Committee meeting, watch the meeting online, or contact your Councillor.

We would appreciate your assistance in sharing this information with your community members.

SPC on Utilities and Corporate Services
Wednesday, March 22nd at 9:30am
City of Calgary Council Chamber
800 MacLeod Trail SW, Plaza Level

For more information visit:

If you have any questions, please contact Pamela Reid at (403) 268-4004 or

Thank you,

Carolyn Bowen