Parcel Address: 2615, 2623 and 2627 Erlton Court SW
Community: PARKHILL
Description: Redesignation from R-C2 to M-C2

July 17, 2024

This item will be considered by the Calgary Planning Commission on July 18, with an administration recommendation of approval. While many Erlton residents were opposed to this land use redesignation, it is not in Erlton and the response provided by the Parkhill CA captured the details of the neighbours’ objections.

Upon learning of the recommendation of approval, it was decided that the ECA should send a letter to the members of CPC. This is the email that was sent this morning.
To: Members of the Calgary Planning Commission

This application is not in Erlton, and the Erlton Community Association (ECA) is not a circulation referee; however, it is directly across 34th Ave from Erlton and directly impacts many Erlton residents. In view of the significant opposition expressed by our members, and the administration recommendation of approval, the ECA submits this for consideration by the members of CPC.

The detailed reasons for objection were summarized in the administration report and will not be repeated here. The purpose of this submission is to make the following points with respect to compliance with policy as set out in the administration report:

Both the South Saskatchewan Regional Plan and Growth Plan (2022) are high-level documents that express overarching principles (efficient use of land) that do not necessarily support the degree of intensification proposed in this application. In fact, redevelopment to allowable density under the existing R-C2 zoning would also fulfill the direction in the two documents.

The Municipal Development Plan also supports densification, but not to the degree proposed. The Urban Main Street concept does not lend itself to this location due to the significant grade difference, which creates a demarcation between the “Main Street” and the subject area. This grade difference prevents direct vehicular access from Mission Road, which would be a more appropriate route to access this level of increased density than a narrow dead-end road that requires all the traffic to pass by the existing low density residential. The proposal is inconsistent with MDP Section 3.5, and specifically 3.5.1 (a) which states: “Recognize the predominantly low density, residential nature of Developed Residential Areas and support retention of housing stock, or moderate intensification in a form and nature that respects the scale and character of the neighbourhood.” The proposal is not “moderate” intensification, nor does it respect the scale and character of the neighbourhood.

The need for an amendment to the Parkhill / Stanley Park Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP) highlights its conflict with adopted policy. It should be noted that while the proposed amendment to the ARP appears to be consistent with the “Low/Medium Density Multi-family” on the east side of Erlton Court, the east side is districted M-C1, not the proposed M-C2. The existing development is also significantly more modest in size and scale compared to the proposal. The policies in the draft Chinook Local Area Plan should not inform evaluation of this proposal as it also has significant opposition and has not been adopted by Council.

The ECA recognizes that good planning policy supports increased density in locations where infrastructure exists, and agrees that higher density close to transit and amenities should be supported; however, this degree of increased density in this location will destroy the livability of the immediate neighbourhood.

There are better locations for this level of increased density that have more direct access to collector roads. The ECA is not opposed to increasing density in appropriate locations within the inner city – for example, the ECA supported the redesignation of the former Erlton School site, which has direct access from Macleod Trail, to M-C2.

The ECA would respectfully suggest that redesignation to M-CGd72, as exists on the north side of 34th Ave in Erlton, would be a more appropriate way to achieve the planning objective of inner-city densification that is compatible with the existing neighbourhood instead of the proposed M-C2. The ECA urges the CPC to consider recommending refusal of this application for the above-noted reasons.

Thank you for your consideration.

January 26, 2024

An open house about this LUB amendment will be held in the Parkhill Stanley Park Community Association Centre.

Tuesday February 6, 2023 – drop-in from 7 to 9 pm
Parkhill Stanley Park Community Centre
4013 Stanley Road SW

January 17, 2024

This is an application to redesignate three houses on the west side of Erlton Court SW which is the East end of 34th Avenue. North of the lane but not extending all the way to 34th Avenue. It is intended to accommodate a 48-unit apartment building. The link to the public information is here: 

As it is not in Erlton, we were not circulated by the City, but the applicant did contact us regarding the proposal. Please see attached rendering and site plan. A more full set of drawings is available; however, it should be noted that the land use amendment is only for the M-C2 use. It is not tied to plans; therefore, not binding. A development permit is required if the land use amendment passes at Council and there will be opportunity to comment on the design at that time.

If you believe you may be affected by this application, please contact and the available information will be emailed to you. If you are aware of neighbours who may be affected but are not ECA members, please advise them to send an email to requesting the circulation package.


Site Plan