Fall is here: The leaves are changing colours, the pumpkins are almost ready to be carved, and it’s also time to renew your Erlton Community Association Membership!
As you may know, memberships are typically valid until November 30 of each year. However, this year, current and former members that renew on or before Thursday October 10 will receive memberships that are valid until November 30, 2021.
Please note that the Erlton Community Association’s Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday November 10, 2020. In order to vote at the AGM, you must have a valid membership by no later than Thursday October 10.
How to renew:
- If necessary, provide us with your updated contact information by completing the application form: https://erltoncommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Erlton-CA-Membership-Form-2017.pdf
- Use the form to let us know if you are interested in volunteering!
- Send your completed form to: membership@erltoncommunity.com
- Pay your membership fee: $10 for members under 65, FREE for seniors (over 65). There are 3 options:
- Use the PayPal link which you can access here or through our website: https://erltoncommunity.com/?page_id=2245
- Send a cheque (made payable to Erlton Community Association) to Erlton Community Association, PO Box 94078, Elbow River RPO, Calgary, AB T2S 0S4
- Contact Nicole via membership@erltoncommunity.com to coordinate cash payment.
If you have any questions regarding your membership status or the renewal process, please contact Nicole: membership@erltoncommunity.com.
We look forward to seeing you at our next meeting (virtually or in person) on October 13.