D.P. NUMBER: DP2020-5250
Parcel Address: 69 31 Ave SW
Applicant: Tricor Design Group
Community: ERLTON
Description: New: Multi-Residential Development
Proposed Development is: Discretionary
Proposed Use: Multi-Residential Development
July 6, 2021
The Sub-Division and Development Appeal Board’s decision is attached below.
May 27, 2021
The appeal for SDAB2021-0026 (this development) is now scheduled for June 10th at 10AM.
The original Notice of Hearing is attached. It provides the procedure to access the hearing.
The new deadline for submitting additional comment or material is June 2nd, at Noon.
The existing comments are available on line at:
We’ve had feedback from some residents that their comments were not included in the report published June 16th. That report is already available online at the link above. If your comments are missing, you may wish to provide a new comment or resubmit your originals by June 2nd at Noon to ensue the appeal board has them, and can consider your comments in their decision.
The email address is info@calgarysdab.ca and the file reference is SDAB2021-0026.
April 15, 2021
On April first an appeal was filed against the approval of this development.
A Notice of Hearing is attached.
As noted, on Friday afternoon, April 16th, a copy of the city’s complete file on this development, along with the appeal documents will be available for download at: http://www.calgarysdab.ca/active-appeals.html
March 9, 2021
The application was approved on March 8th, 2021 and is in advertising.
The appeal deadline is April 1st.
Here’s the link to the community comments and file history: https://erltoncommunity.com/?p=3369
If you believe you may be affected by this application and would like a copy of the Notification of Approval, the relaxation to the rules, and Conditions of Approval, please send an email to erlton@shaw.ca.
February 22, 2021
We received version 4 of the plans for a four-unit development on the corner of 31 Ave and Erlton Street SW (the boarded-up house).
The deadline for comment is March 15th, 2021.
If you believe you may be affected by this application, please reply and the circulation package will be emailed to you to enable you to review and comment.
If you commented on previous versions of the plans you may wish to again review them.
If you are aware of neighbours who may be affected, but are not members of the Erlton Community Association, please advise them to send an email to erlton@shaw.ca requesting the circulation package.
Membership can be obtained from this link: https://erltoncommunity.com/?page_id=2245
January 13, 2021
Below is the Erlton Community Association’s January 12th, 2021 comment on version 3 of the plans for this development.
If you submitted a comment to our community association that was not also sent to the file manager, please send it to him: chris.wolfe@calgary.ca and reference DP2020-5250 4 units at 69 – 31 Ave SW. This will ensure your voice is heard.
If you are aware of neighbours who may be affected by this development, but are not ECA members, please feel free to discuss and forward a copy of this notice to them.
ECA Comment on Version 3 of the Plans
December 23, 2020
This is the circulation of version 3 of the plans for a four-unit development on the corner of 31 Ave and Erlton Street SW (the boarded-up house).
Here’s the link to the previous community comments and file history: https://erltoncommunity.com/?p=3369
The deadline for comment is January 12th, 2021.
If you believe you may be affected by this application, please reply and the circulation package will be emailed to you to enable you to review and comment.
If you commented on previous versions of the plans you may wish to again review them.
If you are aware of neighbours who may be affected, but are not members of the Erlton Community Association, please advise them to send an email to erlton@shaw.ca requesting the circulation package.
Membership can be obtained from this link: https://erltoncommunity.com/?page_id=2245
December 4, 2020
Below is the Erlton Community Association’s December 2nd comment on the amended plans for this development.
If you submitted a comment to our community association that was not also sent to the file manager, please send it to him: chris.wolfe@calgary.ca and reference DP2020-5250 4 units at 69 – 31 Ave SW. This will ensure your voice is heard.
If you are aware of neighbours who may be affected by this development, but are not ECA members, please feel free to discuss and forward a copy of this notice to them.
November 12, 2020
The City has circulated amended plans for a four-unit development on the corner of 31 Ave and Erlton Street SW (the boarded-up house). The Development Authority reviewed the original plans and requested changes.
The deadline for comment is December 3rd, 2020.
If you believe you may be affected by this application, please contact the ECA Planning chair via erlton@shaw.ca and the circulation package will be emailed to you to enable you to review and comment.
If you are aware of neighbours who may be affected, but are not ECA members, please advise them to send an email to erlton@shaw.ca requesting the circulation package.
September 13, 2020
The ECA board did not approve the Planning Committee’s draft comments on the DP application further to the direction following the approved motion at the ECA meeting on September 8. Therefore, the ECA comments will consist only of the motion that was approved, as follows:
The following motion was made at our September 8th community meeting, and passed with a vast majority:
Moved that the Erlton Community Association send a letter to the file manager stating that we do not support this development based on the fact that it is proposed to be built too close to the property line on Erlton Street, has driveways on Erlton Street, and fails to provide the required visitor parking stall, and thus fails to comply with Sections 583(3), 565(1)(a), and 558(3)(c)(ii) of the Land Use Bylaw.
Furthermore, the design occupies too much of the depth of the lot and thereby shadows and overlooks the adjacent neighbour, thus negatively impacting the use and enjoyment of their property as expressed by Section 35(d) of the Land Use Bylaw.
If you submitted a comment to the ECA that was not also sent to the file manager, please send it to him: chris.wolfe@calgary.ca and reference DP2020-5250 4 units at 69 – 31 Ave SW.
August 26, 2020
This is an application for a four-unit development on the corner of 31 Ave and Erlton Street SW (the boarded-up house).
The deadline for comment is September 16, 2020.
If you believe you may be affected by this application, please reply and the circulation package will be emailed to you. If you are aware of neighbours who may be affected but are not ECA members, please advise them to send an email to ECAplanningchair@gmail.com requesting the circulation package.