Rooted in Calgary’s early history, Erlton was founded in the early 1900s. What was once the outskirts of the city has now grown to become a vibrant inner city neighbourhood with plenty of parks and nearby businesses to make this what many consider one of the best-kept secrets in Calgary.
Erlton History Book
In 2001, the ECA, with financial support from the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation enlisted historian David Mittelstadt to prepare a book chronicling the history of the Erlton area.
You can download a copy for personal use: Lindsay’s Estate – A History of Parkview and Erlton.
A limited amount of hard copies are still available for $20. If you would like a copy, please contact ECA Treasurer.
Please note the copyright for this work is owned by the Erlton Community Association and can be downloaded for personal use only. Should you wish to re-publish, please contact the ECA Secretary.
Community Information
Find out more on the City of Calgary’s Community Profile page.